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Director Peter Fuller

Cinematographer Golden Zhao

Production Designer Hakan Yoruk

"Based on Franz Kafka's short story, Business and the Bastard is about a businessman who is desolate. He becomes bored in his day-to-day affairs at the office and decides to contact some of his customers personally. One of them, Bruce, is an old man with whom he has had previous personal and business contact.


He meets Bruce at his house, and notices how frail he's become. He is old and sick, but still mentally as sharp as ever, and is not as receptive to the business proposal as the salesman had hoped. Moreover, while Bruce's son is extremely ill, the salesman is hopeless to make his final pitch in front of a grieving father. At one point it seems not the son' but the old man has died, but he is actually asleep. "

In terms of production design, the sick room, where the final and longest scene takes place, played a huge role of reflecting a strong sense of absurdity similar to Kafka.

We decided to juxtapose the old and the new, dead and alive, materialism and spirituality and leave the audience with the question of what is right and wrong or true or false. 

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